
Premier & Minister for Health




Dear Premier,


Thank you for your prompt response!


However, Minister Barnett when Minister for Housing knew of the need and the opportunities here and was unresponsive. Given that as Premier you have passed this matter to him, we now expect a response from Minister Barnett by week’s end in either the positive or the negative. 


Therefore, IF there is no response to this correspondence, and given that I have received advice that our earlier letter would be published as a display advertisement in the Examiner as well as being circulated via social media the same shall be considered in the case of this correspondence.


Ray Norman

For and behalf of Launceston Concerned Citizen’s Network


Ray Norman


The lifestyle design enterprise and research network

PH: 03-6334 2176

Please reply to: raynorman7250@gmail.com

40 Delamere Crescent Trevallyn TAS. 7250



“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine


“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” David Morrison






We acknowledge the First Peoples – the Traditional Owners of the lands where we live and work, and recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respect to Elders – past, present and emerging



From: The Premier <premier@dpac.tas.gov.au>
Date: Tuesday, 1 August 2023 at 2:57 pm
To: Ray Norman <raynorman7250@gmail.com>

Subject: Acknowledgment from Premier Jeremy Rockliff MP

Dear Ray Norman


On behalf of the Premier, Jeremy Rockliff MP, thank you for your emails dated 2 July 2023 and 1 August 2023.


Your correspondence has been referred to Hon Guy Barnett MP as Minister for Health, and is currently being considered.


Kind regards

Departmental Liaison Officer

Office of the Premier, Jeremy Rockliff MP

Premier of Tasmania

Minister for State Development, Trade and the Antarctic

Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Minister for Tourism and Hospitality 

Liberal Member for Braddon


Level 11, 15 Murray Street HOBART TAS 7000
Phone: (03) 6165 7650

Email: premier@dpac.tas.gov.au


Premier & Minister for Health


Dear Premier,


I write to you today to express my dismay at your lack of response to my communication with you regarding the matter of the abandoned LGH Nurses Home. Given that tomorrow it will a month since I wrote to you, I believe that sufficient time has now past to reasonably expect your acknowledgement. 


In regard to your facilitating our wish to put an ‘expert assessment group’ together to enable our group to assess the viability of the LGH’s abandoned Nurses Home, as a functioning housing facility of some kind and one that delivers relief for a significant number of people suffering housing stress in northern Tasmania. 


Launceston’s Council has made next to no effort in facilitating a way forward for people suffering housing stress beyond producing a ‘REACH OUT CARD’ informing people suffering housing stress with information about how to be homeless in Launceston.

 … See https://www.examiner.com.au/story/8288628/encouraging-progress-but-homelessness-committee-work-continues/. 

In Launceston, beyond printing this card there has been virtually no progress towards a HOMELESS ACTION PLAN’ in18 months.  By any measure anyone suffering from a lack of access to a ‘safe and secure home and who is faced with threats of punitive consequences for being so, they deserve something more than political cum bureaucratic HUMbug! 


Of course Council says that is constrained but the right to safe home is fundamental human right!


Should you ignore this correspondence again, and it fails to win acknowledgement of our request either in the positive or the negative by the close of business tomorrow, Wednesday August 2, we will have no choice but to make our request to you, public information.


Please note, that IF there is no acknowledgement of this correspondence, I have received advice that this letter will be published as a display advertisement in the Examiner as well as being circulated via social media.


Your sincerely, 


Ray Norman

For and behalf of Launceston Concerned Citizen’s Network


Ray Norman


The lifestyle design enterprise and research network

PH: 03-6334 2176

Please reply to: raynorman7250@gmail.com

40 Delamere Crescent Trevallyn TAS. 7250



“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine


“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” David Morrison






We acknowledge the First Peoples – the Traditional Owners of the lands where we live and work, and recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respect to Elders – past, present and emerging



From: Ray Norman <raynorman7250@gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, 2 July 2023 at 6:02 pm
To: Raynorman7250@gmail.com <raynorman7250@gmail.com>

From: Ray Norman <raynorman7250@gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, 2 July 2023 at 5:55 pm
To: The Premier <premier@dpac.tas.gov.au>
Cc: Rosemary Armitage MLC <rosemary.armitage@parliament.tas.gov.au>

Dear Premier Rockliff,


I write to you personally given that you have in the past made an undertaking to answer all correspondence that you receive. Also, I write to you in your capacity as the Minister for Health and of course in your capacity as Tasmania’s Premier.


I am not sure as to how aware you are that there is significant interest in the LGH’s abandoned Nurses Home, but there is and there has been a considerable effort made to better understand the situation. This has been going for some considerable time. 


At every turn those concerned reach a point when information is required to develop a meaningful submission, one based on evidence, and it seems that your government’s bureaucrats just put up blockages to get in our way.


That said, our ‘Concerned Citizen’s Network’ right now wish to make a submission, but we lack the verifiable information to enable that to happen because of the ‘blocking’ we have been experiencing. See the information attacked below for context.


Quite simply, we wish to put an ‘expert assessment group’ together and for that cohort of people to have say four hours of access to the site to assess the options and opportunities that may be available to use this space as ‘community housing’  note there is absolutely no backgrounding that this is to do with ‘charity’ . This information is needed because we are receiving wildly varying estimates of the infrastructure’s capacity to accommodate a viable number of people and under what circumstances. That is also the case in regard to the actual condition of the infrastructure.


It is bewildering that garnering this information is so, so difficult. We just cannot understand what the threat is, or to whom, that these blockages are deemed as being required.


With respect we ask that you firstly acknowledge this correspondence and secondly that you provide our group with either a timeline within which we might expect your approval or possibly your disapproval. 


If you require additional information, please tell us just what it is you require and when.


Yours sincerely,


Ray Norman

For and behalf of Launceston Concerned Citizen’s Network



Ray Norman


The lifestyle design enterprise and research network

PH: 03-6334 2176

Please reply to: raynorman7250@gmail.com

40 Delamere Crescent Trevallyn TAS. 7250



“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine


“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” David Morrison







We acknowledge the First Peoples – the Traditional Owners of the lands where we live and work, and recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respect to Elders – past, present and emerging – and acknowledge the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within the research  zingHOUSEunlimited undertakes.












Relative to 'HOUSING STRESS' in Tasmania, on the available evidence what the community has here in the abandoned LGH Nurse’s Home is:


·                     A community asset, owned by the community, paid for by the community; and


·                     An asset that is no longer fit-for-purpose as it once was; and


·                     An asset that has considerable potential to alleviate the stress of a considerable number of people suffering the     consequences ‘governance’s’ failures over time; and


·                     An asset currently managed by a department – the Health Dept – that no longer has a purposeful use for the community asset; and


·                     An asset that another department – the Housing Dept – has expressed an interest in resting it from its current management;


·                     An asset that the Housing Dept. has no demonstrated capacity to manage all the ‘values’ in it –heritage, 21st architectural, etc; and


·                     An asset that is capable of being refurbished in such a way as to make a considerable contribution to the wellbeing of the community who in fact ’own’ it and have invested in it over time; and


·                     An asset that needs ‘outside the box thinking’ with nobody inclined to be innovative let alone be audacious.


All that said, the ‘political will’ to be proactive is not in evidence but speculatively it seems that for whatever might pass for ‘rationalism’ with opportunist developers inevitably lurking on the ready to profit from using this ‘community asset’ is palpable. 


Given that it is highly unlikely to be for the 'purpose' of housing people in affordable and much needed 'home places' the disconnect is more than lamentable. ..... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE








Guy Johnson, Australia’s first Professor of Urban Housing and Homelessness, draws on the most recent Census data to break down seven myths about homelessness.

Myth 1: Most people experiencing homelessness sleep on the streets  Rough sleepers are the most visible face of homelessness but they represent only a small fraction (about 1 in 12) of the homeless population. Most people experiencing homelessness, particularly women with children, go out of their way not to be noticed, staying with friends, in emergency accommodation or living out of their cars.


Myth 2: Most people experiencing homelessness are drug addicts or alcoholics  About 60 per cent do not have a drug or alcohol problem and of those that do, the majority develop this after they become homeless. This is a troubling statistic that highlights the associated risks of homelessness.


Myth 3: Most homeless people have mental health problems  About one third of Australia’s homeless have serious mental health issues. Similar to drug and alcohol statistics, up to half of these people developed their mental health problems after becoming homeless.


Myth 4: Most homeless people break the law  Statistically, homeless people are actually more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators. This highlights the increased vulnerability that comes with being homeless.


Myth 5: Giving to people who are begging only encourages homelessness  There is no evidence to support the claim that giving incentivises homelessness. People experiencing homelessness want safe and secure housing, the same as everyone else.


Myth 6: Most of those who are homeless choose to be… The majority are poor and have experienced a health problem or a financial shock or cannot stay at home because of violence or abuse and cannot afford alternative accommodation.


Myth 7: There’s enough emergency accommodation … Australia does have some crisis and emergency accommodation but agencies are being overwhelmed by demand as numbers continue to grow.


Professor Guy Johnson is a panel member during the two day National Homelessness Conference (6 -7 August) that launches a week of activity designed to raise awareness, and promote solutions to, Australia’s growing homelessness problem. Johnson leads the partnership between RMIT and Victorian housing organisation Unison which is drawing on academic research and street smarts to improve the lives of 650,000 Australians facing housing issues. 

Story: Grace Taylor


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