The Launceston City Council is calling for community feedback on the draft Launceston Planning Scheme 2011.
Launceston City Council Mayor Albert van Zetten said "This is a vital document for Launceston
as it outlines the Council's vision for the future development of the city. The Scheme potentially
impacts all residents and land owners in the municipality so community consultation is a really
important part of this process.
"The draft Scheme will be available online at www.launceston.tas.gov.au on CD from the Council's Customer Service Centre or hard copies will be available to view at the Customer Service Centre from Monday 18 July 2011.
"Residents are also invited to take part in the process by attending one of the open ‘drop-in’
information sessions being held across the municipality.
"Drop-in sessions will be held at:
Launceston Lilydale
25 July 2011 from 3pm to 8pm 26 July 2011 from 3pm to 8pm
29 July 2011 from 3pm to 8pm Old Court House and Library
Town Hall Committee Room Main Road, Lilydale
St John Street, Launceston
Rocherlea Kings Meadows
28 July 2011 from 3pm to 8pm 1 August 2011 from 3pm to 8pm
Northern Suburbs Community Centre Kings Meadows Bowls and Community Club
Archer Street, Rocherlea 18 Carr Street, Kings Meadows
"Comments can be made in writing by emailing planningschemereview@launceston.tas.gov.au
between 18 July and 12 August, by visiting www.YourVoiceYourLaunceston.com.au or to a Council officer at the drop-in sessions.
"The draft Planning Scheme proposes a number of important changes to the Launceston Planning Scheme 1996. These changes include:
- An Urban Mixed Use zone is proposed for the land surrounding the Central BusinessDistrict (CBD) to promote a wider range of 'urban' uses including residential, business, tourism, leisure and community uses.
- Provisions have been developed to facilitate inner city residential development including higher density residential development in the upper floors of buildings.
- Additional residential land has been provided for integrated urban growth over the next 10 to 20 years. Over 254 Ha in some 45 parcels has been allocated to vacant residential land. This approach is optimistic and designed to ensure that the housing market is supplied with sufficient land in a variety of locations over the plan period.
- Provision for industry focuses new development on existing vacant land, promotes brownfield redevelopment of derelict sites and provides for some limited green field development. The planning scheme would provide almost 100 Ha in over 50 parcels of vacant land. This provision effectively provides a choice of locations while not fracturing demand or reducing the viability of existing areas
- The scenic protection provisions have been revised to make them more relevant to specific areas. A precinct based approach is proposed. These provisions are less generic and should improve the quality of outcomes for these areas.
- The heritage provisions have been significantly revised and expanded to reflect the value placed on heritage by the city. A number of heritage precincts have been identified in accordance with the Launceston Heritage Study. These will be progressively implemented following the adoption of the scheme.
- Increased provision has been made for cycling and walking including specific requirements to provide facilities through the development assessment process. There is also increased consideration of public transport integration in new developments and subdivisions."
document will be presented at a Council meeting for endorsement. The finalised Launceston
Planning Scheme 2011 will then be sent to the State Government and the Tasmanian Planning
Commission for approval. The Council is aiming to complete this process by the end of August

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