Saturday, August 20, 2011

Prof Bill Boyd: Publications on 'Cognitive Ownerships'

Introduction: Dr Bill Boyd B.Sc.(Hons) St Andrews, Ph.D. Glasgow, D.Sc. St Andrews, FRGS, FIAG

Current Positions
  • Professor of Geography, School of Environmental Science & Management
  • Chair, SCU Human Research Ethics Committee, and Animal Care & Ethics Committee
  • Director, Southern Cross Environmental Innovations Research Centre
Bill Boyd is Professor of Geography at Southern Cross University, Australia, with special interests in long-term environmental change, the history of landscapes, and cultural heritage management.

His interest in the ‘cognitive ownership’ of places by multiple ‘owners’ developed out of the need to engage with issues surrounding the management and preservation of archaeological sites, and in particular in whose service such management was required. Although located here in examples from Australia, the concept is one that has ramifications for all those involved in public archaeology and heritage. It takes us beyond the concept of (mere) ‘stakeholders’ into that of shared and competing communities of interest—thereby creating a useful counterpoint and complement to other chapters in this volume (e.g. Smith and Waterton; and Schofi eld, Kiddey, and Lashua).

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